Submitting a complaint

Our Company encourages anyone who has encountered conduct that they believe may be in violation of the Code of Ethics or other rules and that is or may be related to our Company to report such facts or suspicions using the form below, or by submitting a written report to the designated mailbox at each location, or in person to the following appropriate persons

Ondřej Víta - Ostrava, Na Rovince 1123

Adéla Satková - Nošovice, Hyundai 333/5

Neither the whistleblower nor any other person may be subjected to retaliation for having made a complaint. The prohibition of retaliation cannot be invoked by a person who has knowingly made a false complaint.

The form is not used to handle end-customer matters (especially routine complaints and grievances) or standard employment matters

Submitting a complaint

Additional information

Does the defective behaviour selected above still persist?
When did you notice this behavior?
Allowed formats are: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, xlsx, .jpg, .png

Contact details

Contact details are optional.

V případě, že nechcete být kontaktováni našimi právníky a chcete zvolit možnost anonymního podání podnětu, údaje nevyplňujte. 

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Hyundai Steel Czech – company build on steel basis.

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